Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lailatul Qadar or night of thousand month

"In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"

now,it's all about a night of thousand month,a night that even a single cent that were donated to any Masjid will be multiply its deed,a night when our prophet stay away from his wives and awakes his family members and urge them to do ibadah, a night that every Muslim will stay i'tikaff at Masjid, and at this night, angels coming down to earth as order by Him to seek any Muslim who awakes in 1/3 night to seek deeds and forgiveness,a night call Lailatul Qadar.

days goes by in Ramadhan,where muslims sawm(fasting), to resist to eat,makes any sins and stay away from their wives as the sun rises untill it falls. a month call Ramadhan is a month that even the dead whose in hell are release on this month, and any deeds were multiply by Allah, and at this time Evil can't do anything,to influence the Muslims in doing sins and bad things.there are benefits for those who fasting in this month-i wont say only Muslims fasting on this month as i saw a non-Muslim also fasting too-on the science fact.they say that when we fasting, our stomach would have been in resting mode. imagine a machine whose working 24 hours non-stop, it could have been blown out, or short circuit or stuff, so do our stomach. in the mean time,when we fasting, our lust had been null or numb. this is based on the story when Allah made lust before He made Adam.

as He pick Lust from hell,it is to believe Allah thrown Lust in the deepest level of Hell,and when He pick Lust back and ask this question

"who am I?"
Lust answer back"You are You,and I am what I am"

hearing the Lust to answer that,Allah then throw Lust again on the most colder place in Hell,and He pick Mr.Lust again

"who am I?"
Mr Lust still an arrogant fool,answer the same"You are You,and me is me~"

then Allah send him in a prison,where Lust cannot eat nor drink at all for thousands year, when Allah pick Lust back and ask the same question,Lust finally change his statement

lust:You are my God,and i am Your slave(Mr arrogant now admit Allah is his God now)

so that's why when in Ramadhan, those who fasten would stop their lust from lingering inside their souls to do something bad things and stuff,but my story didn't end here,what is special in Ramadhan is not about fasting,it's about to pray,or make deeds in the night of Lailatul Qadar

as recite in the Quran

In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful;
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power;
And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?;
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months;
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by God's permission on every errand;
Peace!...until the rise of the morn!
surah Al-Qadr,1-6
taken from

What is Lailatul Qadr?Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: لیلة القدر) (also known as Shab-e-Qadr), basically the Night of Decree or Night of Measures, is the anniversary of two very important dates in Islam that occurred in the month of Ramadan. It is the anniversary of the night Muslims believe the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Prophet Muhammad.-taken from wikipedia-

Lailatul Qadr are available at the end of ten night of Ramadhan. some believe that it occurs during the odd days(21st,23rd,25th,27th),while some also believe at 19th,21st and 23rd(the last one is the most focus on).However,it could be random,and it is to believe that Muslims should treat the last ten night of Ramadhan equally same,not to focus on any odd nor even night.

On the night of Lailatul Qadar,it is said that for those who lucky enough, Allah will show His power,where the night feel so easy and comfort,the trees are all bend towards kiblat, and the night was completely silence. Tomorrow morning, the day feel so comfort,where the sun are not too hot nor cold,its just warmth and comfort.

Basically,what Muslims do on the last ten night is they iktikaff(stay at Masjid),do lots of recite,zikir and many more. Imagine you only put 1 ringgit on a jackpot,and when u hit jackpot u could won a million!that is what happen on Lailatul Qadar. Your deeds are multiply,equally the same of thousands months of prayer. What is the meaning of thousand months of prayer?it is a pure whole thousands months full of ibadah. A normal year would include your sleep time,your playing time and such,different from the year of prayer where it is purely deeds from your ibadah.that is why even the prophet urge Muslims to do ibadah on the night.

however,not all people would grab this chance.Lack of morality,not understanding the concept of Ramadhan,don't care about this special night at all.Maybe hidayah from Allah didn't come to them yet,we who seek this Lailatul Qadar can only pray for them to receive hidayah.

lets all of us search the night of thousands month and may Allah bless you in waking up your mates to do some prayer at the night

correct me if I'm mistaken

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


so its already my third blog,sumtim it feels good to spill out these idea in here,either u read it or not it doesnt matter,as long i could make your boredom gone,so now its all about what we afraid off but yet,we cant run away from it....

war can be a positive things,u can say war against crime,war against drugs,against racism n etc,but i wont say bout those things,this time,its all about war against other nation.

the first world war 1,its all about conquering,defending your nation,same goes with world war 2,got Japanese who shock the world,a small nation that succeed in blowing the pearl harbor,the Germans with anti-Jew n stuff,of all the war stuff,the one whose winning is always the one who got 1-shot-1-kill-weapon,either atomic bomb or grenade.let us see the effect of these war,after a nation declare peace

as for sure,what crumble when war occurred is economics,school,facilities and many more,but i wont say bout that,what happen after war that people less take care off,is the media.what can a media do besides telling a story of lies or a truth that was never been proved?media my friend,is a psychotic weapon that we less think about,but play an enormous part of War.

Before September 11,what can u see the bad guys in the war movies,such as the name,what nation they are and their background.what i saw was,their name or background comes from Germans,or Russians and etc.this is a way that can make people think that they(Germans n Russian),are all the bad guys.i remember when i was a kid,i played a strategy-type game,the soviet was the bad guy,and it was so bad even i ask my father,why was those soviet people are so bad?and my father answer makes me stun for a while,"do you know that Malaysia is in a soviet alliance?",after that i play other war games,and it is the same,the soviet or nation other than US,are all mean,crueal and bad!but in the real life,it was the US who started the war.

after the September 11 of mystery event,what i notice was,the name has already change!bad guy before this all of his name are tounge twister(shneider,plitzkin,berbatov n etc),but now,it all in arabic name(Ali,musyaraaf,haidir n etc),even in some film,i remember only some of it

mr Y=what were u searching for mr X?
*mr X is doing a covered mision in spying the internal affair of US embacy*
mr X=oh nothing,we try to search a TERRORIST name Abu Hassan n bla bla bla...

got it?and this is bad for Islam in the next 20 years as the children of new generation would describe us as terrorist,these media stuff is the one we less think or care about,but the most dangerous weapon to take care of...

i cant say what can i conclude for this blog,what can i advice is,i hope we could stand together,believe in our religous, n hope that what lies that has been spit to us,may come back to their tounge back,right now,if we cant do anything,we can only hope for the time to heal

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Berpesan amalan mulie

pesanan penaje=utk kesekian kali,ak pikir2 blog ni ptt jd diari ke?sbb ak tgk blogger len dh cm dairi,kne tulis ape yg jd pd tiap2 ari,tp ak malas utk berbuat demikian kerne xde motif sgt aaa,skadar nk update blog,tu pon klu ad org bache

mcm biaselah,kite tatapi hari2 yg mendatang dgn pelbagai cabaran,dugaan,suke,benci,sronok,boring dn bermacam2 lah.ade mase kite naik,ade mase kite turun,mcm lagu justin timberlake ngn alicia kekunci(keys) "what goes around comes around".

Tapi,dlm meniti kehidupan kite,kite mesti kelibat dgn perkare2 yg dirasakn kurang elok atau kurang enak utk mate kite melihat,lantaran wujud rase benci serte monolog dlmn berbunyi " eee,tah pape je","hakelah sini pon nk bwat hal?" n sbgnye,oleh itu muncullah frasa menasihat

nasihat ni mmg sng je,klu org tu kentot dpan2,ko sound oi xde adab ke,itu konsider nasihat ah gak,sbbnye die soh ko jage sket,cntrol la macho tu,klu nk kentot kaw3,buat2 batok smbil kentot ke,ape ke,tp utk kes kentut dikalangan membe sng ah,gelak2 sket,pstu die konsider ah nk kentot dpn org,klu die buat gak,tggu die dpt hidayah utk insaf ah,tp mslhnye pade org yg xdikenali ni,nmpk die buat salah,nk tegor kang silap2 makan penampo klu pompuan,klu laki,munkin anda dapat kaki...

tp ade org die mmg xde penapis mulot die,skali die bukak,trase tu mampos ko lah,yg pentin ape die ckp tu betol,org mcm ni mmg ade,n munkin membawe mslh dr segi persahabatan,ini kerne aspek penting dlm berkawan ialah menjage perasaan masing2,gurau sehingge mengguriskn hati membe mmg xelok,aptah lagu menasihat secare direct.xsemue bole trime,silap aribulan,anda munkin idop keseorgn.walopon benci cmne pon,tp kene start slow2 lah,sblm Islam diperkenalkn,arak masih lagi halal diminum,sehingge pd suatu hari ade shbt berjumpe dgn Rasulullah S.A.W.die berkate mnghadapi mslh membace ayat2 quran dgn betol sps minom arak,start dr itu,wujudlah arak itu harem.Islam xde ah mule2 je dh nk haram tu,haram nih,die buat slow2 sbb masyrakat pd waktu tu,arak tu cm air kosong,xde arak tekak rase smacm je.gitulah citenye,pjg lagi tp cr sndrik la,hehehe

oleh itu,utk menasihat org,perlulah slow2,klu naik kete bru pon,sbulan yg pertame xleh bwk 100km/j,nnt enjen rosak,org ni klu kite sound begitu shj,die akn rase malu,manusie ni fitrah die,klu malu,die nk cover malu balek,die kutok org tu blakang2,sbg cuntuh ade org tu isap okok,pastu membe seko ni tegor,dr ko isap okok baik ko makan khinzir,due2 tu haram.mau membe isap okok ko tu trase sambil monolog dlmn "aih clakenye bahse,tumbok kang",ade nmpk?so nk sound membe isap okok tuh,lepak ngn die tym xisap okok laaa,kang xpsl2 ko join skaki,haha,ko tnye die isap okok tu bes ke?klu ngn mkn tu mane lg bes?bile stat isap okok tp dgn nade bertanye btol aaa,jgn jenih cm nk marah tu,so die pon slow cite guane die terjebak,cr punce knape die isap okok,pastu nasihat ah,sbg contoh

x-rokok=ko sal sak okok wahai member ku yg hemsem?
prokok=gua tension aaa,awek gua xkc bli moto TZM,gua nk rempit guane beb,honda cup nk g kuantan mau pecah apendiks gua
x-mrokok=ooo,tp kang ak rse ko xsmpt aaa nek TZM
prokok=pahal?ko ni bole meramal ke pe?
x-mrokok=xde ah,klu TZM tu rege 2ribu,ko nk road tax lg,nk bli tu lg ni lagi,yg penting ko nk bli okok lg,mane nk cekau duik?
prokok=eceh,mnasihat nmpk,tp ak dh kumpol sparoh dh duik
x-mrokok=betol,tp tkt ko xsmpt menunggang plak
prokok=ko ni cm astrodomus la plak,ko ramal pe lak kali ni?
x-mrokok=kang ko mampos awl la plak,isap okok,kne kenser payu dare
prokok=paru2 la bonggo,ade btol ah gak,ak try ah brenti2 isap mendalah nih

lebey kurang cenggituh ah,tp ak x amek dr awal ah perbualan 2 eko mamat diatas,kirenye nk nasihat dgn cemerlang,jd lah membe die dahulu,tanye ape punca,scare xlngsung anda dpt menolong die,serte memahami die dgn lebih baguis!!

oleh itu,ak akhiri blog sempoi utk tatapan ni dgn potong dr surah demi mase dgn maksudnye

"....dan berpesan-pesanlah kamu dengan penuh kesabaran...."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

a thought from the nick of time

before i start my day with me last week delay work,it's better i spend a little time to express my thought through words,though picture are more explainable rather than words,but at this time i still don't know how to put picture in here,so later I'll work for it

today is not a special day,it was 9/11/07,if we rewind the year back to 2001,it was the start of something that change a view,a perception,or even misinterpret something,and in this context,it was is the day,so called jihad,take down WTC,building 7 and pentagon,today is the day when ISLAM that was well known for its peaceful religious are being labeled as terrorist,today is the day when media play its important part in covering the truth of the scene,and today is the day where we started to believe that Muslim need to be unite as 1

How can it possible if someone carry Quran back in the aeroplane was a muslim?how can it possible a person who speaks Arabic is muslim?how can you said that a person with lots of facial hair is muslim?in that day,if you carrying Quran,speak arabic(even a word like ainun=eyes,uzunun=ears) and got lots of facial hair on your face,sorry to say,you are terrorist. it was the CNN back there that first bring the statement that the one who piloting the aeroplane was muslim,it was the media who covered the truth behind the scene of sept 11,it was the Jew who planned it all along

but i wont go through all of it,its been over 5 years since the incident,and the americans has been doing some research and seek for answer,was it really because of 2 plane,that crash on WTC made the building collapse?and the answer of all the unanswerd questions has been known,it was planned all along,and i heard the solution for their problem had been post or sell in CD,however,as we,malaysian,an islamic country,im in doubt why the government wont published the film of behind the scene of sept 11?we are muslim,Islamic country,why wouldnt they shows their citizens that is none-muslim that we muslim are innocent?

the answer is,we are still under the influnce from the west,an unwiseable action would lead to crumble of a country,an undesireable action would see more blood shed than solution could make and so on.we Malaysian are still stuck in using their brand(nike,adidas,McD n etc),we couldn't even stand on our feet if they stop exporting their product because of our own ego.we said shoes from england are better than shoes from Gombak,cars made from German are better than proton and so on,the basic rule of business,the more people buy it,the more quality a brand can be.

how malaysian style thinks,whenever we got lots of money,we would say "i'd go for BMW 6 series",but never "I'd buy perdana V6 excecutive", even on buying cloths "my brand is nike/adidas/etc" but never "Got it at golok,cheap but yet wonderfull!".so i say,buy our brand,reduce in using import brand,and most of all,support Islam,for it is the way of life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

test power

1st tym pki blogger,ape yg bes?leh cite psl ape ak pikir...mcm diari,tp xmo la bwat cm diari,wt bese2 sudeh,utk tatapan kite,bace tym boring

utk sbrg idea utk dikongsi bsame,kc la msg/blog anda....skang blog dh jd trend ek?hehe