author's note: skarang ni xbanyak mase dan xbanyak peluang,kerje banyak tapi hasil xde,pening
dengan banggenye terpilih untuk memegang jawatan dalam persatuan fakulti,namun di sudut hati tidak terase bebannye lagi. dalam ingatan cume perlu adekan progrem untuk student, i'm here because i have to serve them and give them what they want. jadi perancangan memang ade,tapi bile dah jadi big boys ni, we plan but only God knows what will happen.
So beze kerje di atas (berjawatan besar) ni dengan bahagian bawah....BANYAK beze. paling ketare yang diatas merancang dan yang di bawah hanya melakukan arahan. tetapi kalau yang bawah slack, yang atas paling best nak menampung tohmahan tohmahannye~oh yeah,dan ini terjadi dekat aku skang ni
ade 1 progrem yang sepatutnye dijalan kan sejak zaman dahulu lagi,namun disebabkan banyak masalah yang melande,kene tangguh(of coz some who's been reading right now would know what program I've been talking right now),orang asik bertanye how's the progam,and what's the progress,and what would i say,i don't know.....dapat jawatan tidak pernah terase seberat begini, sebelum ni pernah je pegang jawatan,namun bila di peringkat mahasiswa, if you don't do your work it's like people will judge you in the wrong way,mayb im not ready for bigger task, or mayb im the one that shouldn't hold this position, sometime i feel useless, disgrace and sux, sbb xdapat nak serve member2 yang lain
in the matter of fact, some of the problem comes from me, as a leader you shouldn't put mistakes to your workers, because it's you who give them work, lainlah kalau xbuat kerje,tu memang nahas, tapi kebanyakannye datang dekat ak sendiri. sangat penat sebab memikirkan how to serve and unite all of my friends, maybe those who didn't know me would say im a lazy person,well though it's the fact but i did try my best to satisfied all, it's just people are not judge others because of the progress, but the result that is the matter....however, of all this mess and trouble, a sun shine through the slips of these messes and open up my eyes
memang benar,berjawatan anda kene pikir dan merancang dengan cemerlang, tetapi masalah-masalah yang melande kini membuka hati dan minda aku sendiri. walopon banyak masalah, tapi aku masih memikirkan jalan penyelesaian untuk memuaskan hati semua, walopon banyak masalah tetapi masih lagi ade member yang menyokong dari belakang, walopon banyak masalah namun masih lagi perlu dijalan kan progrem yang akan aku lakukan nanti. i don't want to make a progrem just to fill in the blank, but i want to make something that everyone would like to involve,and it is not easy as you think, but facing these type of problem has made me stronger then ever. little by little i manage to overcome my tense and pressure, which is good. and it even make me acknowledge some of my fellow mates, because as a leader you HAVE to remember their names
there are once my friend told me that remembering your new friends name will make them heppi!so i want my workers(kejam gile ayat,workers??) to feel happy for me,though our progrem didn't went well, but the process is more important, result may come but only for that moment, but experience that will make you grow larger
so to those who holding some big position in your workplace, be a leader who is friendly to others,as when a leader became closer to their workers, all of your task will end up smoothly and ending with a smile, though you guys face many problems but thats what make both of you stronger, so i willl try to satisfied all of you out there, and please bare for silly works i have done, and thank you for supported me all this way
Saturday, March 28, 2009
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