last weekend, my friends and me had to go to some program call K-Siswa, much more like a charity, motivational and tips to help student of standard 6 to go through their UPSR (UPSR is one of Malaysia examination normally taken by 12 year old kid to go to primary school, Malaysia still holiding their quantity rather than quality student). So the before i've been chosen (more precise, been force to,since im one of the Exco in my faculty), i was selected to be program coordinator(PC), so i have to do the tentative and module and stuff, but never mind bout that, so as we reach to the school, as usual,kids, like to run here and there, shouting like hell and it doesn't bother me, because i've already went through all of that, so the first day of the program as usual, ice breaking among the student of standard 6, all of the Fasi has been given groups of theirs to handle, and hence left me with nothing to do, just watch them having fun only
the next day, we start our module, but i swear to God that these kids are freaking naughty!!even some of the fasi has give up but still holding through, i really-really admired them as i also help them and become the Fasi once in a while but then i could only last less than half and hour!these kids are madness!!haha,behind those angel eyes lies the devil,hahaha,but anyway its normal,kids and naughty couldn't be separated, but as we go for module:kerohanian(soul and religious,as all of these kids is Islam,so we taught them Islam), i was stumble, stun and couldn't stand (i was about to leave to check around),what happen?
these kids (12 year's old kid) couldn't recite the most important things in Islam that is pray,they couldn't even say the Niat (the first thing to do to perform prayer). Since i was born in urban culture, it was a shame if you couldn't recite Niat if ur that age, so God shows me that not everyone is complete, and not everyone is what i expected. i then help those Fasi teach them this basic thing. As we all went through these program, these kids shows me lots of things and has open my eyes really wide, and smack my pride into pieces
what have i seen in these type of program, something that should have been share by others long time ago. There are kids out there that really need help in learning, their living atmosphere sometime doesn't suits them, and these children are too young too see drug addict, hidu gam, gambling and smoker in front of their eyes. most of their parents are lack of knowledge about education, and these angel are following them, and whose going to help them if it is not us?the University student?the one who had experience and value the price of knowledge?even though our pointer are sucks, our grades are terible but we already went to University right?means that, these children look us as the role model, they pure mind stated that whoever went to university is intelligent person, and it is not easy to go there. SO me as the urban life people, feel so embarrass as in my little mind, i've assume that everyone is same like me, lucky like me, and happy like me, but when i see those kids, my pride torn apart, i mean....WAKE UP YOU GUYS!!go and help them!!they really-REALLY need our help in education. Imagine what will happen if these new generation couldn't even spell FREEDOM?or understand the meaning of INTEGRITY? or even know how to PRAY and recite YAASIN to their parents when their time has come?or worse...they are ATIES?don't even know they own God??
I felt really unlucky as i miss the last season of this program(the one i went was K-Siswa 5,so i miss the K-Siswa 4) as i could benefit more from my senior experience. rather that sleeping and doing nothing at my house during these longest holiday, i think it is better to teach this kids something more valuable. i even say this to my friends, but some of them are looking at this as a JOKE?maybe they could not understand the situation, but i hope whoever read these, go and find any charity program,especially the one that help and give motivational to these kids, as it really-really bring benefits to you and for our generation
they need you to guide them, and our guidance worth more than your holiday.....
"3 perkara yang akan pahalanya akan berterusan, yakni Doa anak yang soleh, Amal Jariah dan ILMU yang memberi kebaikan"
ko tertinggal 1 bnde....
bia miskin harte jg miskin ilmu...
bior tol xtau niat..mak bpak xajor ke pe ish2... @_@
haha,ye la adhi~
adan,serius doh,bukan sbb mak bapak xajar ke pe,tp sbb environment tmpt tinggal die buatkn mereke xmo blajo n parents pon xamek kesah,try join progrem2 cmni,for sure anda tau dimana Generasi kite berada
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